
Contact Info

32B, Boulevard Maxime Gorki, 94800, Villejuif – France

contact@edito.ai | +33767102145

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Creative. Smart. Awesome.

Your Professional AI Writer

Revolutionize your professional writing with Edito.ai, Engage the power of AI to craft professional documents, SEO & Copywriting, and Press & Media Content, with efficiency and precision.


AI for All Your Professional Needs

AI Professional

Suitable for professional documents and communications across various domains, including reports, contracts, and emails…


Ideal for AI-driven copywriting across diverse formats, such as Ads content, Marketing campaigns and social media updates

Ai Article Writer - Seo Analysis


Optimized for blog SEO across various contexts, including keyword analysis, content optimization, and search engine rankings…

Ai Article Generator


Designed for journalists and media professionals, supporting activities such asย  news aggregation, content creation, information and data analysis…

Professional Writing, Simplified

Suitable for professional documents and communications across various domains, including reports, contracts, and emails…

Step into the future of writing with Edito.ai. Leave behind the exhausting process of drafting numerous versions of your documents, fighting the blinking cursor syndrome, and fearing the potential of missed deadlines.

Real Time Data integration
Sources Integrations
+ 2000 Professional Templates
Team Collaboration
Custom Brand Voice
Custom Writing Style
Copywriting & Marketing

Upgrade Your Marketing Impact with AI-Optimized Copy

Revitalize your marketing efforts with AI-Infused Copy, seamlessly blending technology and creativity to significantly elevate your brand’s impact and engagement.

Video Script
Social Media
Emailing campaigns
Marketing Frameworks
Newsroom & Journalism

Your Comprehensive News Insights

Revitalize your marketing efforts with AI-Infused Copy, seamlessly blending technology and creativity to significantly elevate your brand’s impact and engagement.

Video Script
Social Media
Emailing campaigns
Marketing Frameworks
Ai Article Writer - Seo Analysis
SEO Analysis & Scoring

Rank Higher, Engage Better with AI

At edito.ai, we understand the critical role of SEO analysis in driving online visibility and success. That’s why our AI-powered platform goes beyond basic keyword research, offering a comprehensive suite of tools to elevate your SEO strategy.

SEO Scoring
Competitor Analysis
Keyword Suggestions
Google Search Keywords
Heading Keywords
Content Keywords
Competitor's Keywords
Related Keywords

Custom Tone & Target Audience

Tailor your writing tone to match your target audience perfectly, ensuring maximum engagement and response.

Adopt a Personality's Writing Style

Mimic the writing style of renowned personalities or brands to fit your narrative or campaign needs seamlessly.

Adopt Your Writing Style

Our AI learns your unique writing style, enabling it to produce content that feels personal and true to your voice.

See The Unseen

Smart Image Recognition

Revolutionize Your Operations with Smart Image Recognition

Recognize and Analyze Handwritten Images

Convert handwritten notes into digital text, making content creation seamless and efficient.

Recognize Handwritter Text

Image Data Interpretation

Transform images and visual data into engaging, informative content with our cutting-edge technology.

Analyse Image Chart with AI

Product and Object Recognition

Leverage AI to recognize products and objects in images, perfect for crafting detailed descriptions and marketing materials.

Analyse product image
See The Unseen

Sources Integrations

Revolutionize Your Operations with Smart Image Recognition

Add File

Incorpore pdf files and other documents directly into your content creation process for a richer narrative.

Add Video

Utilize videos as a source of information, enabling our AI to craft content that's accurate and engaging.

Add Link

Incorporate external links to your content, enriching it with diverse perspectives and in-depth analysis.

News search

Stay ahead of the curve by integrating the latest and breaking news into your content, making it as relevant as it is captivating.

Web Search, Last News & RSS

Harness the power of the internet with a comprehensive Web Search tool, ensuring your content is backed by credible and extensive research.

News search

Keep your content fresh and dynamic by integrating your RSS feed, providing a constant stream of inspiration and information.

How Edito works ?

AI Generation Simplified



This is where your idea takes seed. You define what to write about by explaining the idea, topics, context, and opinions.

Writing Style

This is where your idea takes seed. You define what to write about by explaining the idea, topics, context, and opinions.


This is where your idea takes seed. You define what to write about by explaining the idea, topics, context, and opinions.

Revolutionizing Content Creation

Step into the future of writing with Edito.ai. Leave behind the exhausting process of drafting numerous versions of your documents, fighting the blinking cursor syndrome, and fearing the potential of missed deadlines.

Complete SEO Analysis
Real-Time Data Integration
Team Collaboration
+2000 AI templates
Professional Document Generator
AI Marketing Campaigns


Don't take our word for it. See what customers are saying about us.

โ€œEdito.ai has revolutionized our copywriting process. As a professional, I used to struggle with creating engaging content for clients. Now, with Edito.ai, writer's block and lengthy brainstorming sessions are a thing of the past.โ€

Coriss Ambady

SEO Consultant

โ€œEdito's AI-driven capabilities allow me to rapidly create accurate articles with comprehensive source research, streamlining my journalism workflow. Its seamless integration of sources and references enhances the credibility and depth of my stories, making Edito.ai essential for my daily workโ€

Coriss Ambady

Freelancer Journalist

โ€œEdito.ai has been a game-changer for us, offering unmatched AI capabilities in creating complex, tailor-made documents that align perfectly with our business goalsโ€

Cory Zamora

Marketing Specialist

"Edito.ai has revolutionized my advertising work. Its AI-driven insights and efficient content generation have significantly improved our campaigns, making it a fundamental tool for our advertising strategies"

Laura Widerski

Advertiser Specialist

โ€œAs a Sales Manager, Edito.ai has been transformative. Its AI-driven content creation boosts our sales pitches, making them more effective and engaging, which is essential in our competitive marketโ€

Nikolas Brooten

Sales Manager

โ€œโ€œEdito.ai has been a game-changer for us, offering unmatched AI capabilities in creating complex, tailor-made documents that align perfectly with our business goalsโ€โ€

Jackie Sanders

RH Manager

Adapted Plans for Your Business Needs

Enjoy aย free 7-day trialย and experience the full service. No credit card required!


Suitable for professionals across various domains
$ 29 Monthly
  • Outline Mode Generation
  • AI Tools & Templates
  • Social Media & Copywriting Templates
  • Incorporating Sources (Web search, Last News, files ...)
  • Advanced SEO Tools
  • Marketing Campaigns
  • AI Newsroom
Start AT


Perfect for copywriters, SEO bloggers, and Marketers
$ 49 Monthly
  • Outline Modeโ€‹ Generation
  • AI Tools & Templates
  • Social Media & Copywriting Templates
  • Incorporating Sources (Web search, Last News, files ...)
  • Advanced SEO Tools
  • Marketing Campaigns
  • AI Newsroom
Start AT


Ideal for journalism, press, and media professionals
$ 79 Monthly
  • Outline Mode Generation
  • AI Tools & Templates
  • Social Media & Copywriting Templates
  • Incorporating Sources (Web search, Last News, files ...)
  • Advanced SEO Tools
  • Marketing Campaigns
  • AI Newsroom
Start AT