
Contact Info

32B, Boulevard Maxime Gorki, 94800, Villejuif – France

contact@edito.ai | +33767102145

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About Us

A company turning ideas into beautiful things.

Our Story

Drive into the heart of Edito.ai's story.

In the not-so-distant past, in a bustling tech hub, a team of savvy developers and passionate writers shared a quirky lunchtime debate: "Could an AI ever pen a joke that would make a room burst into laughter?" It started as a jest but seeded an idea.

We began as 'ByteBards' in a tiny office where coffee was our lifeline and every wall was a scribble board. While our initial AI prototypes had a knack for creating Shakespearean sonnets about toasters (a skill, no doubt!), it wasn't quite what we were aiming for.

As weeks turned into months, and countless cups of coffee later, our AI began showing promise. It started recognizing metaphors, adding wit to prose, and, occasionally, crafting jokes that got a chuckle or two. Although, we must confess, it once suggested “Why did the code go to school? To improve its 'class'!" Yes, we know. We've worked on its humor since then.

We rebranded, not just with a fancy name but with a refined purpose. We combined intelligence with humor, technology with storytelling, and formed the delightfully whimsical yet robust Edito.ai. Our mission? To make content creation not just efficient, but also enjoyable.

Today, Edito.ai isn't just a tool. It's a partner for every journalist, copywriter, and professional, turning tedious tasks into delightful ventures. While we can't guarantee our AI will win a stand-up comedy show anytime soon, we can assure you that it'll sprinkle a dash of wit to brighten your day!

How It Works?

Everything you need for Your News & Content Creation.

Brainstorm Your Ideas

where innovation meets simplicity, and ideas come to life at the touch of a button.

Generate Your Content With AI

Generate content seamlessly using our AI-powered tools

Edit Your Content

refine content, and give final approval before publication
Meet the Team

Save your time and money by choosing our professional team.

Get to know the talented individuals behind Edito.ai, where passion for innovation meets expertise in AI and creative writing, collectively shaping a dynamic team dedicated to redefining the future of writing assistance.

Get In Touch

Got any questions? Don't hesitate to get in touch.


32B, Boulevard Maxime Gorki94800, Villejuif - France


00 (123) 456 78 90